Wednesday, September 5, 2012

On breaking rules et al

In my life experience, the most fun and periods of growth I have had are when I have broken the rules within ethical and moral considerations of appropriate boundaries.

The notion was to go as far against the program as possible.

The thing with breaking rules is that it makes you vulnerable, and leaves you on your own, inherently making you a better and stronger version of yourself, if it does not break you. (yes, Nietzsche!!!)

The important aspect is having a sense of personal responsibility about this whole thing. In your quest for growth, remember to be respectful of other sentient beings along the journey (moral and ethical constructs)

Breaking rules allowed me to:

·         Live life in multiple cultures and places

·         Milk the above places for everything that the said places held in terms of wisdom to be gained about the environment and more importantly about the self

·         Have a child and propagate the species with a girl I wanted to, not had to, because back in India, arranged marriage is the safe bet

·         Marry the mother of my child on terms amenable to my self

·         Experience Europe in a way, shape and form that can only be described as sublime

·         Manage to get to Burning Man on a lark and love everything that it represents

All in all, life has been about growth and learning from the time that I made the crucial decision to try break all manner of rules be it in personal life, professional life and any undertaking that appealed to my heart.

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