Monday, July 23, 2007

Can love be a rational act?

this think thread got kicked off on reading the book, tuesdays with morrie. One of the seminal passages has Morrie say that love is the most rational thing as an act.

in the context that Morrie put it, seems like there is merit in the argument.

Here is a corollary: Can something rational supercede unconditionality?

are not rationality and unconditionality two opposing forces of nature, the yin and yang, as it may of the emotional spectrum.

if love were rational then it would imply that it is conditional as well, this goes against the grain of all thought put forth by conventional romance pundits about love being irrational and hence bearing unconditionality as a basic premise.

if we were to argue that love is rational then is there a set of conditions that needs to be met for love to flourish and continue flourishing.

got me thinking, need to whet this argumentation with others in the field :-)

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