Sunday, May 20, 2007

Bombay Boogie Nights

These are a series of dance parties that happen to break in the German crowd into the music and dance form enshrined in Bollywood movies.

It is indeed interesting to see the mix of people on such a dance floor, mostly ethnic minorities and some off beat germans trying to get a groove on to music and lyrics that are alien to the region of the world :-)

I mean ALIEN

Yes high energy with lots of drum and bass but the indian version of drum and bass is not really the classical idea of a drum and bass setting that you expect, but well i guess the beat gets the crowd moving and it was a refreshing change to hear stuff from home played out really loud with a mix of people grooving to it.

It is here that you do have a realization of how far you have moved from your genesis when some of the stuff seems as alien as it would to a german :-)

Well i guess no one is to really blame for one's situation other than oneself, the realities of life dictate your co-ordinates in terms of space and time and hence the ethos that surrounds you.

Music: Homeward Bound - Simon Garfunkel

Strange!!!! :-)

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